Convert the Single HVAC Sale into a Repeat Customer
Typical homeowners and businesses come to your HVAC business expecting to be one-time customers. Don't let them get away that easily! You can convert each sale of a heating or cooling unit into a steady stream of income.
Oct 30, 2015
# of Minutes to Read

Typical homeowners and businesses buying HVAC systems are first-time buyers and do not expect to call your company again. Don’t let them get away that easily. Focus on converting each single furnace or air conditioner sale into a steady stream of income, through future sales to repeat customers and a strong flow of customer referral business. Below are some tips.
The service contract. Here you are offering the same peace of mind an investment counselor or insurance salesman offers – “You are covered for hail, floods, major surgery and car crashes – why not damage to your heating and cooling system?” Point out to the commercial customer that a service contract adds to the value of a business when it is time to sell or borrow money.
The pre-season tuneup. Your first post-sale begins when your office calls to confirm the installation appointment. That is the time to mention customer discounts on pre-season service calls. Not only is the call a solid sale, but it maintains your relationship so when a customer needs another appliance or is asked for a referral, your number is at hand.
Train your field technicians to reinforce the pre-season tune-up message at the time of installation. Follow up with a holiday card, pre-pre-season postcard, and a call. All staff should use the same language when conveying the message on the cards and in your other literature:
- Protect your investment and protect the life of the appliance
- Avoid breakdowns and peak-season emergency calls
- Save on utility bills with efficient operation (some estimate that a heating system loses 5% of its efficiency each year it is not tuned up)
The add-on sale. Your staff should be on the lookout for opportunities to promote ancillary appliances. A field tech who sees a pet in the house or hears a customer talk about allergies could offer a brochure on the benefits of electronic air cleaners. Are there string instruments on display, or is the homeowner coughing? Offer a brochure on a whole-house humidifier.
Upscale filters. Promote high-end filters for high air quality and to protect the appliances. Offer to put the customer on a reminder or filter-delivery program.
The email newsletter. If you are too busy to write this, hire a ghost writer. Offer tips on energy use, home/facility maintenance, what to do before you go on vacation and other useful topics. Maybe add an article featuring one of your employees and a puzzle section.
At RazorSync, it is our goal to help our customers increase their returns while reducing time spent on administrative tasks. If you are interested in seeing what our mobile scheduling and service management app can do for your business, please schedule a live demonstration or give us a call at 877-675-4395.
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