Why You Need GPS Tracking for Your Field Service Team.

Field worker tracking has become a critical part of doing business. Generally, if you’re not using GPS tracking software for your field service technicians then...

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Field worker tracking has become a critical part of doing business. Generally, if you’re not using GPS tracking software for your field service technicians then you’re business is missing out on features that increase productivity and improve your bottom line. Perhaps your field service business is brand new, or you simply don’t know the advantages of using GPS tracking.

For that reason, here are the main reasons we believe field worker tracking is invaluable for your business:

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Timing is Everything in Field Services

Timing is one of the most important factors in field services and many variables, including field worker tracking, affect it. One survey reported that 67% of field service customers won’t rehire a company if technicians are up to an hour late. Of that 67%, 31% of the customers say they’ll wait as long as 31-60 minutes for a late technician, while 25% say 16-30 minutes is the longest they’ll wait. A fair amount–11%–say their wait time cutoff is 15 minutes!

When customers are this time-sensitive, you need every advantage on your side. This is when GPS field worker tracking comes in for the win.

RazorSync’s GPS-Enabled Solutions Reduce Churn

RazorSync’s field service management software has an integrated GPS tracking system for field service technicians. That altogether helps maximize your company’s time while improving the customer experience and reducing churn. 

Additionally, you’ll benefit from features like smart scheduling, which prevents technicians from wasting time driving back and forth across town. Also, GPS-enabled dispatching shows which remote employee is best for the job, based on their proximity to the job, experience, and equipment. RazorSync’s smart route navigation features real-time traffic updates to show drivers the best routes from destination to destination, cutting down on travel time and shortening arrival windows.

Field Worker Tracking Improves the Customer Experience

Our field worker tracking system delivers a better customer experience with the use of automated text messages that notify customers their service technician is en route. RazorSync especially empowers customers with the ability to track and contact technicians through the customer portal as techs are driving to the customer’s home or business location. This increases transparency, opens communication, and gives customers a chance to get things in order before a technician arrives (such as corralling dogs, or in these times–making sure they’re wearing a mask). 

Comparison: Companies With & Without Field Worker Tracking Software

If you’re still determining if field worker tracking is necessary for your business, then let’s look at a simple comparison. Here are the ways companies perform if they use or do not use GPS tracking software for field worker tracking.

Businesses with GPS Tracking Software:

  • Always on time. Smart scheduling with real-time traffic updates provides efficient routing. Also, on-time arrival leads to better customer experiences, too.
  • Lowered fuel costs. Smarter routing, field worker tracking, and creating vehicle protocols hold workers accountable for the efficient use of fuel.
  • Increased overall productivity. Field service management with GPS tracking keeps business running smoothly, and nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Grow your bottom line. GPS tracking allows you to complete more work orders, lowers fuel costs, and streamlines operations to grow your bottom line.

Businesses without GPS tracking software:

  • Repeated tardiness. Inefficient scheduling along with an increased chance of getting lost, stuck in traffic, or taking the long route means customers are left waiting.
  • Higher fuel costs. Fuel usage is uncontrollable due to a lack of monitoring routes and not knowing if drivers are taking advantage of vehicle privileges.
  • Operational inefficiencies. A lack of the right field management software solutions means inefficiency across the board that can damage the customer experience and moreover, the business.
  • Struggle to stay afloat. Inability to effectively manage assets in the field will inevitably lead to poor customer experiences and loss of clientele to competitors.

RazorSync’s field service software will help you manage your work orders so that you’re able to provide modernized, high-quality house cleaning services efficiently. Contact RazorSync for details, book a demo, or try it free for 14 days.

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