3 Eco-Friendly Products For Your HVAC Business

More and more, an emphasis is being put on businesses to adopt more eco-friendly company practices, and about 56% of the energy used in homes...

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More and more, an emphasis is being put on businesses to adopt more eco-friendly company practices, and about 56% of the energy used in homes is from HVAC systems. Cut down on excessive energy consumption within your field service business by utilizing eco-friendly products in your services.

Here’s a list of eco-friendly products you can use in your business:

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Geothermal Heating and Cooling

A renewable resource, geothermal energy originates from heat stored in the matter in the earth’s core. Geothermal heating and cooling systems rely on this thermal energy from the Earth’s core, making them efficient tools to maintain the temperature of buildings and a sustainable alternative to burning harmful greenhouse gases. The system works through a series of pipes and pumps. Water flows through pipes, called the ground loop, and the heat from the water is transformed into hot air. As for geothermal cooling systems, many people believe they work by pumping cool air; however, instead of releasing cool air, they essentially remove the heat from the air. After, they push that heat into the water in the ground loop.

Solar Heating Systems

Space heating accounts for the most significant energy expense per home in the United States. Solar heating systems have the advantage of being eco-friendly and affordable. There are three types of solar water heaters your HVAC business can use:

  • Batch collectors are excellent eco-friendly water heaters. The system is made up of tubes in a tightly sealed box called the solar heat collector. When cold water enters the tubes, the solar heat collector begins to heat the water. Unfortunately, this system can only be used in warmer climates because of the risk of pipes freezing and bursting in cold temperatures.
  • Flat-plate collectors consist of absorber plates with copper pipes that are often seen on roofs of houses. These are standard solar heaters that an HVAC business would install. The plates and pipes are housed in an insulated box with a layer of glass or plastic that acts as the insulator. With the help of this insulation, the plates collect heat, and the temperature rises. In turn, the water in the pipes gets hotter, and the hot water is used to heat the home. 
  • Evacuated tube collectors consist of a series of clear glass tubes containing metal tubes inside them whose function is to consume the sun’s energy. The heat is trapped in the space between the two tubes, heating the water inside. Evacuated tube collectors are rated as the most efficient type of solar heater by Energy Star, run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy.

The evacuated tube collectors are a wonderfully reliable and durable HVAC system because they can operate even when the sun isn’t directly shining on them, such as in overcast weather, and when temperatures drop below zero.

Zoned HVAC Systems

Your HVAC business clients will appreciate the energy-saving opportunities a zoned HVAC system presents. With a zoned heating system, the field service technician divides the home into multiple areas with individual thermostats controlling the zones. For example, if the sun hits a house on one side for half the day, it will need less heat because heat from the sun will help warm the space. Many homes with multiple levels use this method. Zoned systems can optimize a person’s energy bill by up to 30%, saving them money and preventing the use of energy that could be conserved.

RazorSync’s field service software will help you manage your HVAC team and inventory to ensure that you’re able to provide high-quality field service quickly. Contact RazorSync for details, or try it free for 14 days.

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