Build Customer Trust with Immediate Resolution or a Plan

When a field technician can resolve every issue before leaving the job site, or provide the customer with a specific plan for a solution, the technician becomes a trusted adviser. During...

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When a field technician can resolve every issue before leaving the job site, or provide the customer with a specific plan for a solution, the technician becomes a trusted adviser. During the service call, a technician with access to key information can answer questions, provide an estimated date of future work and final bid or estimate, and schedule a work order. Customer confidence and retention will soar.

What does the technician need to make this happen? An adequate line of communication, home-office support, and training in customer relations. This is true whether your business provides dog walking, commercial HVAC installations or another service.

The line of communication begins with the right mobile technology. That means a phone or tablet with software that will access inventory, technical manuals, and customer records; transmit photos, signatures, text, and email; and create and edit work orders and invoices.

Technology is not enough, however. Your office staff needs to be available to contact vendors. perform research, provide bids/estimates on future work, and otherwise, support the field technician.

And do not overlook the third requirement, training in customer relations. You can develop this in house by identifying the technicians with the best ratings (see our article on customer satisfaction surveys) and highest rates of retention. Enlist these customer-service standouts as mentors or trainers and as a source of information for training modules.

At RazorSync we support field service businesses with software that empowers field staff and streamlines office procedures. If you are interested, we invite you to join a live demonstration and learn how it can improve your company’s performance.

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