2021 Survival Kit: How Information Technology Consultants Can Keep Us Connected in a Remote World
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly changed how we communicate as a society. Since March 2020, staying connected from a distance both professionally and socially has become...
Jun 07, 2021
# of Minutes to Read

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly changed how we communicate as a society. Since March 2020, staying connected from a distance both professionally and socially has become a huge part of life. While technology has played a starring role during this time, most of us have never had to rely on it this much, and we’re a bit clueless about how it all works. For this reason, IT consultants have seen a huge increase in demand for their services over the last year. If you’re an IT consultant, there are limitless ways you can help us all navigate this new reality!
Here are just some of the ways information technology consultants can keep us connected.
In The Workplace
While some businesses already had a strong digital presence, many had to go through a complete digital transformation in 2020 and may still be struggling with new technologies. Service calls from IT consultants can aid businesses with training, network setup, and identifying the software and equipment needed to keep operations running smoothly. They can also recommend tools and solutions that bridge the communication gap that’s often an issue in remote working environments. As some workers begin returning to their offices a couple of days a week, IT consultants can assist with tech integration, connectivity, and security between the office and home.
With School
While a number of schools and universities have resumed classes on campus, some remain remote, and many families have chosen to err on the side of caution by continuing remote learning or homeschooling with their children. School districts may require IT consultants to set up and maintain remote learning platforms and data security systems. In the classroom, IT consultants can support teachers by ensuring they have the right tools, technology, and platform training necessary to conduct remote learning successfully.
In home learning environments, IT consultants can relieve frustrations with WiFi signal, Bluetooth connectivity, video conferencing, and any other technical difficulties families have struggled with for the last year. A child’s education is a crucial part of development, so some parents may want to call in an expert to make sure their student is set up for success.
At Home
Between safer-at-home measures, social-distancing recommendations, and restrictions on travel, many of us have been forced to go months without seeing friends and loved ones. Across the world, video conferencing platforms like Zoom have soared in popularity, becoming a central part of everyday life. But staying in touch on these platforms isn’t always easy, and technical difficulties are common. This is especially true for older generations that aren’t as comfortable using these platforms or technology in general. IT consultants can help these folks with proper setup and training in these technologies, helping them maintain valuable friend and family interactions with ease.
With Healthcare
With medical facilities continuing to limit the amount of in-person appointments, doctors must rely on telehealth to continue treating their patients. While this can be more convenient for doctors and patients in a lot of ways, technical difficulties are inevitable. This means field services from IT consultants are a crucial factor in keeping our healthcare system up and running.
The digital transformation spurred by COVID-19 has truly changed the way our world functions. While the services of information technology consultants were always important, in these times, they are a critical element in maintaining connections of all kinds.
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